12th Sunday After Pentecost
11th Sunday After Pentecost
A Sermon on Dogs, Mercy, and the Canaanite Woman
10th Sunday After Pentecost
9th Sunday after Pentecost
8th Sunday after Pentecost
7th Sunday after Pentecost
6th Sunday after Pentecost
5th Sunday after Pentecost
4th Sunday after Pentecost
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Commemoration of the Emmanuel Nine
2nd Sunday after Pentecost
We Have Work to Do
Holy Trinity Sunday
A Sermon on Life, Breath, and Co Creation
Day of Pentecost
Seventh Sunday of Easter
A Sermon on Walking Into Scary Places
A Sermon on the God who Stands Beside Us
Sixth Sunday of Easter
A Sermon on Dancing in the Dark
A Sermon on Abundant Life and The Great Pause
A Sermon on Daily Bread
An Open Letter to Thomas, the Disciple
Sermon for an Unusual Easter
Holy Week- Saturday
Holy Week- Friday
Holy Week- Thursday
Holy Week- Wednesday
Holy Week- Tuesday
Holy Week- Monday
2020 Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Service
A Sermon for Palm Sunday in the Time of Pandemic
A Word From Pastor Emily April 2
A Sermon on Lazarus and Surprises
A Sermon on What We Should Give Up for Lent
A Sermon on the Samaritan Woman, Harry Potter, and Seeing One Another
A Word from Pastor Emily